Other Inspection Services

Infrared Thermography (FLIR Camera)

Thermal or infrared testing, also referred to as infrared thermography, is a technique employed to gauge or chart apparent surface temperatures based on the infrared radiation emitted by an object as heat transfers into or out of that object. Professionals engaged in infrared thermography can hold certification in any of three distinct disciplines: electrical and mechanical inspections, building diagnostics, and materials testing.

Electrical and mechanical inspections encompass the use of infrared inspections to assess electrical power distribution systems and mechanical equipment or processes. In the field of building diagnostics, infrared thermography is predominantly utilized to identify energy loss within structures, often pinpointing issues with insulation materials and air leakage in conjunction with blower door testing. Finally, materials testing employs infrared thermography to identify anomalies like delamination, disbond, voids, and cracks in composite materials such as aircraft components.

PMI Testing

This test method determines the chemical composition of the metal and matches the chemistry to an alloy grade library to provide an alloy grade ID and percent of each alloy as the result.

Hardness Testing

In materials science, hardness quantifies the capacity to withstand localized plastic deformation caused by mechanical indentation or abrasion. Typically, various materials exhibit distinct levels of hardness. For instance, hard metals like titanium and beryllium surpass the hardness of softer metals such as sodium and metallic tin.

Three primary categories of hardness measurements exist: scratch, indentation, and rebound. Each of these measurement categories encompasses distinct measurement scales. To facilitate practicality, conversion tables are employed to seamlessly transition between different scales.

Chemical Passivation

The passivation process is a method of improving the corrosion resistance of stainless steel parts by removing ferrous contaminants like free iron from their surface, restoring them to their original corrosion specifications.